Child custody disputes are often hard-fought and contentious, with each parent lobbing personal attacks against the other to see what sticks when the court renders a determination that it considers to be in the child’s best interests. While some parental shortcomings...
Serving Clients Throughout Montana Since 1979
Month: May 2022
Common mistakes people make after being arrested
When you are placed under arrest, you are likely not thinking straight. Chances are, you are scared, confused and overwhelmed. You might be thinking about spending time in jail or prison, worrying about your job, home or pets and not focusing on the present moment....
What can you do when your spouse lies during divorce?
Getting divorced under any circumstances can be stressful. After all, you have to find a way to untangle your life from that of your spouse, which can be difficult to do when you’ve spent years or even decades building your life together. Time with your children,...
Can you be convicted of unintentional money laundering?
Money laundering is illegal under federal and Montana laws, but it remains widespread. According to some sources, as much as $2 trillion is laundered globally every year -- this represents about 5% of the global economy. Much of this illegal activity is difficult to...
When are marital assets divided unequally?
Navigating a divorce can be tough. The history you have with your spouse can thread emotions through every aspect of the process, blurring your assessment of key legal issues. As easy as it is for that to happen, you can’t let it. After all, your divorce might be the...
Avoid these four mistakes in your criminal case
When you’re charged with a criminal offense, the prosecution is going to come at you full force. After all, their job is to get a conviction and impose the toughest penalties they can manage. Although that can be scary to think about, you don’t have to sit back and...
How To Prepare For Your Child Custody Hearing
The outcome of a child custody dispute can have tremendous ramifications. The court’s ultimate order will specify how much time you get to spend with your child and what that time will look like, which can reshape your relationship with your child. With so much on the...
Emotionally Recovering From A Divorce
Even the friendliest divorces take a toll on the parties’ well-being. If children are involved, even more so- not to mention family, friends and the many adjustments couples must make during and after they dissolve their marriage. There is hope around the corner While...
Are Mothers Favored In Child Custody Cases?
When parents divorce, a father might fear that the court will automatically assume the child’s mother should be the custodial parent. After all, in many relationships, the child’s mother stays home with the child, at least for a while, and might even be considered the...
Be Aware Of These Consequences Of Criminal Conviction
Being charged with a criminal offense can leave you on edge. This is understandable given the stakes involved. But before you engage with prosecutors to discuss the possibility of a plea deal, you need to fully understand the potential ramifications of a criminal...